Currently paying in
Everything you need to know about paying into the LGPS, including changing contributions, transferring in and retirement

If you're no longer paying in (deferred)
For those who have a deferred pension with us, including what you can do with your pension and transferring out

Receiving a pension
For those receiving a pension from us including information about pension payments and how to update your details
Contact us about your pension
Who to contact if you need any assistance with your Buckinghamshire LGPS pension or you need help with My Pension Online
The McCloud Judgement
Find out how this important change to the LGPS regulations could affect your pension
Councillor members
Information about the LGPS specifically for Councillors who have previously paid into the Scheme
Employer information
Information for current and prospective Fund employers, including all guides, forms and booklets
Funding and investments
How Buckinghamshire Pension Fund is managed, including information about the Pension Fund Committee and the Fund's annual report
Pension Fund policies and how Buckinghamshire Pension Fund is governed including information about the Buckinghamshire Pension Board