Buckinghamshire Pension Fund policies
The Local Government Pension Scheme regulations are determined with the approval of parliament. The scheme is administered at a local level by 86 separate pension funds in England and Wales.
According to statutory requirements, each fund is required to set out its policy on several matters related to administration and fund management.
This page contains the fund’s policy statements related to administration and governance.
For policy statements related to Fund management view Funding and investments.
For policy statements related to data protection, see how we protect the data we hold.
Administering Authority Discretionary Policy
We are required to we are required to prepare, publish and keep under review a policy which outlines the fund’s position on a number of LGPS discretions:
BPF Administering Authority Discretionary Policy PDF, 274 KB
Communication Policy Statement
Under regulation 61 of the LGPS (2013) regulations, we are required to set out a statement of policy concerning how we communicate with members and their representatives, prospective members and employers.
This communication policy statement is reviewed every 3 years in line with the triennial valuation and a revised version will be re-published following any material change:
View the BPF Communication Policy Statement PDF, 197KB
Data Improvement Plan
We recognise the issues and costs associated with poor quality data. The Data Improvement Plan sets out the steps we take to monitor and improve the Fund’s data quality:
BPF Data Improvement Plan PDF, 195 KB
Governance Compliance Statement
Under Regulation 55 of the LGPS Regulations (2013), we are required to prepare and keep under review a written statement setting out the Fund’s policy on various matters related to governance, including the delegation of any functions and if so, the arrangements around such delegations.
View the 2024 BPF Governance Compliance Statement (PDF, 214 KB)
Our previous Governance Compliance Statement
We are also required to publish the previous statement. This was only applicable to the 2023/2024 tax year:
View the 2023 BPF Governance Compliance Statement (PDF, 204 KB)
Pension Administration Strategy
Prepared in accordance with regulation 59, this policy outlines our position on:
- the procedures for liaison between administering authority and participating employers
- the required levels of performance for both the administering authority and participating employers
- action that will be taken where targets are not met
BPF Pension Administration Strategy and Charging Schedule PDF, 200KB
Reporting breaches of law policy
This document sets out the procedures to be followed by certain persons involved with our pension fund, in relation to reporting breaches of the law to the pensions regulator.
BPF Reporting Breaches of Law Policy PDF, 384 KB