P60s and payslips to be issued this May

If you are being paid a pension from us, each year you will be issued with a P60. Your P60 shows how much pension you have been paid and how much tax has been deducted over the previous tax year.
Your 2022/2023 P60 is available for you to view on ‘my pension online’. If you opted out of electronic communications, a printed P60 will be sent to you by 31 May.
More information about reading your P60 can be found on page 10-11 of In-Touch 2023, our annual pensioner’s newsletter.
If you started receiving your pension after 1 April 2023 you will receive your first P60 next year.
You can find details of all your pension payments on ‘my pension online’. We also issue printed payslips to all those in receipt of a Buckinghamshire LGPS pension in May and September.
If your payslip or a P60 is returned to us, to protect your pension, we will suspend payments until you provide us with your updated address. To avoid this, please ensure you tell us when you move house or your contact details change. More information can be found at, ‘how to tell us about a change’.
You should contact HMRC if you find that an incorrect tax code appears on either your P60 or payslip. We have no discretion over the tax codes applied to your pension. You can get in touch with HMRC by phoning 0300 200 3300. More information about tax codes can be found on the HMRC website.
More information about your LGPS pension can be found on our pensioner webpages.