
Pensioner payment information

On this page you will find information about:

  • pension payment dates
  • where we can pay your pension
  • payslips and P60s
  • other useful webpages for pensioner members

If you are currently paying into your LGPS pension, you may wish to look at Currently paying in. This gives information about retiring and taking your pension.

If you have a deferred pension that you have not yet put into payment, you may wish to look at No longer paying in

Payment dates

Your annual pension is paid monthly on the last working day of the month. If the last day of the month falls on a bank holiday or a weekend, we will pay your pension on the nearest working day before.

Payment dates for the year are shown below.

Receiving your first pension payment

We aim to make your first pension payment within one calendar month of your retirement date.

If you retire mid-month, your first pension payment will be less than the amount you receive on a usual monthly basis.

If you have opted for a tax free lump sum, you may be able to receive this before your first pension payment. In addition to the above pension payment dates, we have 4 to 5 payment dates each month available for making a lump sum payment.

Where we can pay your pension

We can pay your pension into any bank or building society account where you are named as one of the account holders.

We cannot pay your pension into someone else’s account unless that person holds a Power of Attorney for you. For more information, see Tell us about a change in your details

If you live abroad, you can usually receive your pension into a UK account, but you may need to check directly with your bank.

You also have the option of having your pension paid oversees via Western Union. Western Union is a money transfer service that converts your monthly pension payments into local currency. If you would like to arrange this please contact us.


Your payslip tells you how much you have been paid for that month, the tax code that has been applied to your pension and the amount of deductions if applicable. Payslips are available to view on My Pension Online.

You will receive a printed copy of your payslip twice a year in May and September. Even if you have opted out of My Pension Online, we are unable to issue payslips outside of these months for any other reason.


We produce a P60 each year by 31 May and upload it to My Pension Online. If you have opted out of electronic communications, this will be posted to you.

A P60 is a summary of the pension we have paid to you over the previous year. It shows how much tax you have paid and the final tax code applied to your pension for that year. You might use a P60 to complete a self-assessment tax return or as proof of income. Otherwise, you can just keep it for your records.

If a P60 or a payslip is returned to us, for security reasons, we will suspend payment of your pension until we hear from you. It is important that you Tell us about a change in your details

Tax and your pension

Annual pension is subject to Income Tax. You will pay tax if your total annual income is more than your personal allowance. You can find out about your personal allowance on the government website. Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) will issue the tax code to us and we will apply this to your pension. If you have more than one pension, they will usually ask one of your pension providers to deduct the tax you owe.

We have no control or discretion over the tax that is deducted from your pension. If you have a query about the tax deducted from your pension, or you believe the tax code is incorrect, you must contact HMRC directly:

If you live abroad

If you live abroad but are classed as a UK resident for tax purposes, you may have a tax deduction on your pension. If you are not classed as a UK resident for tax purposes different rules may apply. You should check directly with HMRC and the country that you live in. For more information on tax and your pension, take a look at HMRC’s pension tax guide.

Other sources of guidance

Contact us about your pension