
A brief guide for new employers

Last updated: 1 April 2024

About the LGPS

The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is one of the largest public sector pension schemes in the UK. It is a defined benefit occupational pension scheme providing people who work in local government with an income in retirement. It forms a valuable part of your employee’s pay and reward package.

Although the LGPS is a national scheme, it is administered at a local level by 86 separate pension Funds in England and Wales. Each Fund is responsible for ensuring that its members receive the pension benefits they are entitled to according to the regulations.

The LGPS was a final salary pension scheme until 1 April 2014 when it became a CARE (Career Average Revalued Earnings) scheme. For more information see how your pension benefits build up.

In addition to a secure pension payable for life, the LGPS also provides members with other benefits such as life cover, and, once someone has met the 2-year vesting period, ill-health cover. For more information see key benefits of the LGPS.