A brief guide for new employers
Your responsibilities as a Fund employer
The LGPS is a statutory scheme with its own regulations set out in law. In fulfilling ‘the employer role’ in the regulations, you have certain duties you are responsible for. These include, but are not limited to:
- determining the eligibility of LGPS Scheme members for auto-enrolment purposes and fulfilling your ongoing responsibilities under auto-enrolment regulations
- setting and reviewing contribution rates for your employees who are members of the LGPS according to the contribution table and notifying the scheme member of their rate and their right to appeal
- deducting the correct contributions (and additional contributions if applicable) from scheme member’s pay and ensuring these are paid over to the Fund by the 19th of following month
- paying the correct employer contribution rate to the Fund by the 19th of the following month
- notifying the fund of any starters, leavers, retirements, and deaths and providing us with the relevant pension information
- providing us with the pay information required to calculate member’s pension entitlements within the expected timeframe
- assessing entitlement to ill-health benefits under the LGPS for both current (active) and former (deferred) LGPS employees
- processing complaints under the IDRP (Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure)
- setting and keeping a discretionary policy related to various aspects of the LGPS under review and providing us with a copy
Your duties should be performed in compliance with overriding legislation, guidance, and best practice.